Instant messaging

The Instant messaging application allows to stay connected and communicate with you colleagues. Click to open a list of contacts.

Figure. Instant messaging.

Context menu

  • Open Chat allows to sent text message

  • Audio Call allows to call to a contact (or group of contacts)

  • Video Call allows to call to a contact (or group of contacts)

  • Start conference allows to set up a conference (Also, you can start a conference immediately from the list of contacts, click )

  • Send Email allows you to send emails directly

  • Show Contact Info allows you to find out details about the contact

  • Add Gateway allows to add contact from other messaging services

  • Rename allows to rename contact name Group

  • Subscription allows to authorize the contact

  • Group allows to add contact to any group

  • Show Offline Contacts: Filters visibility of online contacts

  • Delete allows to delete contact from your list

Incoming message

There are several notifications when receiving new Instant messaging message within WebClient. User is notified on the incoming message by:

  1. When browsing other tabs, the WebClient bookmark text is changed to * New message from …

  2. The contact in the contact list is automatically moved up among Active Chats.